Karuma Wildlife Reserve

The splendid Karuma wildlife reserve is located in Kiryadongo district of western Uganda, it’s situated within the Murchison falls conservation area. The reserve derives its name from the famous Karuma falls that got its name from a local historical legend spirit it’s said that the spirit contrived the rocks on which the waterfalls are found and this spirit was known as Karuma.

Karuma wildlife reserve is 902 meters above sea level; it was gazetted in the year 1964 and covers an area of 820 kilometers squared. Sadly the reserve resources have been put to use ever since over 7,000 refugees we’re settled in Kiryadongo and there’s also a lot of human intrusion into the villages.

The reserve was mainly constructed to act as a safe guard zone between Murchison falls national park and the neighboring villages.

The reserve contains the magnificent roaring Karuma falls that are very spectacular to behold

One of the significant attractions at the reserve is the mighty Karuma falls on the Victoria Nile which is an ideal place for sight seeing and you can also encounter a lot of bird species and animals while at the falls.

Karuma wildlife reserve boasts with animals roaming in its plains. Animals such as Buffalos, elephants, hippopotamus, giraffes, water bucks, bush duikers, hyenas, warthogs, Ugandan Kobs, Oribis, Topis and many more.

Karuma wildlife reserve also boasts with primate species and different types of monkeys can easily be seen such as; Olive Baboon, vervet monkeys, blue monkeys, white and black colobus monkeys, L’Hoest monkeys and many more.

Tourists visiting Karuma wildlife reserve can make their safari more memorable by encountering wildlife at Murchison falls national park there are lots of animals to be seen and also have a boat cruise to the world’s strongest waterfalls.

Karuma Wildlife reserve boasts with various bird species one of the best places for bird viewing is at the falls where you can see a lot of aquatic birds, some of the bird species to be seen at the reserve are Kingfishers, swamp fly catcher, yellow throated leaf love, grey cheeked crane, sun birds and many others.

Tourists visiting Karuma falls can sleep at any of the hotels within Murchison falls national park such as red chili rest camp, beans tembo safari camp, Boone women’s camp, Paara safari lodge, Chobe safari lodge, shoebill campsite, Karuma falls campsite and many others.

Karuma wildlife reserve can be reached 70 kilometers from Gulu town and 110 kilometers from Masindi town. The reserve is located on the Masindi-Gulu highway.

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